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Monday, February 28, 2022

From the Black Sea to the East Med, don't poke The Russian Bear

From the Black Sea to the East Med, don't poke The Russian Bear
The US shouldn't have poked the Russian Bear. Now it is fully awake: after Ukraine, the Russians are likely to do a clean sweep of foreign belligerents poking around the East Med and the Black Sea.
February 24 2022

This is what happens when a bunch of ragged hyenas, jackals and tiny rodents poke The Bear: a new geopolitical order is born at breathtaking speed.

From a dramatic meeting of the Russian Security Council to a UN history lesson delivered by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the subsequent birth of the Baby Twins – the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk – all the way to the breakaway republics’ appeal to Putin to intervene militarily to expel the NATO-backed Ukrainian bombing-and-shelling forces from Donbass, it was a seamless process, executed at warp speed.

The (nuclear) straw that (nearly) broke the Bear’s back – and forced it to pounce – was Comedian/Ukrainian President Volodymy Zelensky, back from the Russophobia-drenched Munich Security Conference where he was hailed like a Messiah, saying that the 1994 Budapest memorandum should be revised and Ukraine should be nuclear-rearmed.

That would be the equivalent of a nuclear Mexico south of the Hegemon.

Putin immediately turned Responsibility to Protect (R2P) upside down: an American construct invented to launch wars was retrofitted to stop a slow-motion genocide in Donbass.

First came the recognition of the Baby Twins – Putin’s most important foreign policy decision since inserting Russian jets into Syria’s airspace in 2015. That was the preamble for the next game-changer: a “special military operation…aimed at demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine,” as Putin defined it.

Up to the last minute, the Kremlin was trying to rely on diplomacy, explaining to Kiev the necessary imperatives to prevent heavy metal thunder: recognition of Crimea as Russian; abandoning any plans to join NATO; negotiating directly with the Baby Twins – an anathema for the Americans since 2015; finally, demilitarizing and declaring Ukraine as neutral.

Kiev’s handlers, predictably, would never accept the package – as they didn’t accept the Master Package that really matters, which is the Russian demand for “indivisible security.”

The sequence, then, became inevitable. In a flash, all Ukrainian military forces between the so-called line of contact and the original borders of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts were re-framed as an occupying army in Russian-allied territories that Moscow had just sworn to protect.

Get Out – Or Else

The Kremlin and the Russian Ministry of Defense were not bluffing. Timed to the end of Putin’s speech announcing the operation, the Russians decapitated with precision missiles everything that mattered in terms of the Ukrainian military in just one hour: Air force, navy, airfields, bridges, command and control centers, the whole Turkish Bayraktar drone fleet.

And it was not only Russian raw power. It was the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) artillery that hit the Armed Forces of Ukraine headquarters in Donbass, which actually housed the entire Ukrainian military command. This means that the Ukrainian General Staff instantly lost control of all its troops.

This was Shock and Awe against Iraq, 19 years ago, in reverse: not for conquest, not as a prelude for an invasion and occupation. The political-military leadership in Kiev did not even have time to declare war. They froze. Demoralized troops started deserting. Total defeat – in one hour.

The water supply to Crimea was instantly re-established. Humanitarian corridors were set up for the deserters. Ukrainian forces remnants now include mostly surviving Azov batallion Nazis, mercenaries trained by the usual Blackwater/Academi suspects, and a bunch of Salafi-jihadis.

Predictably, western corporate media has already gone totally berserk, branding it as the much-awaited Russian ‘invasion.’ A reminder: when Israel routinely bombs Syria and when the House of One Saudi routinely bombs Yemeni civilians, there is never any peep in NATO’s media.

As it stands, realpolitik spells out a possible endgame, as voiced by Donetsk’s head, Denis Pushilin: “The special operation in Donbass will soon be over and all the cities will be liberated.”

We could soon witness the birth of an independent Novorossiya – east of the Dnieper, south along Sea of Azov/Black Sea, the way it was when attached to Ukraine by Lenin in 1922. But now it would be totally aligned with Russia, and providing a land bridge to Transnistria.

Ukraine, of course, would lose any access to the Black Sea. History loves playing tricks: what was a ‘gift’ to Ukraine in 1922 may become a parting gift a hundred years later.

It’s creative destruction time

It will be fascinating to watch what Prof. Sergey Karaganov masterfully described, in detail, as the new Putin doctrine of constructive destruction, and how it will interconnect with West Asia, the Eastern Mediterranean and further on down the Global South road.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the ceremonial NATO Sultan, denounced the recognition of the Baby Twins as “unacceptable.” No wonder: that shift smashed all his elaborate plans to pose as privileged mediator between Moscow and Kiev during Putin’s upcoming visit to Ankara. The Kremlin – as well as the Foreign Ministry – don’t waste time talking to NATO minions.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, for his part, had a recent, very productive entente with Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad. Russia, this past weekend, has staged a spectacular strategic missile display, hypersonic and otherwise, featuring Khinzal, Zircon, Kalibr, Yars ICBMs, Iskander and Sineva  – irony of ironies, in synch with the Russophobia-fest in Munich. In parallel, Russian Navy ships of the Pacific, Northern and Black Sea fleets performed a series of submarine search drills in the Mediterranean.

The Putin doctrine privileges the asymmetrical – and that applies to the near abroad and beyond. Putin’s body language, in his last two crucial interventions, spell out nearly maximum exasperation. As in realizing, not auspiciously, but rather in resignation, that the only language Beltway Neo-conservatives and ‘humanitarian imperialists’ understand is heavy metal thunder. They are definitely deaf, dumb and blind to history, geography and diplomacy.

So, one can always game the Russian military – for instance, imposing a no-fly zone in Syria to conduct a series of visits by Mr. Khinzal not only to the Turk-protected shady jihadist umbrella in Idlib but also the jihadists protected by the Americans in Al-Tanf base, near the Syria-Jordan border. After all, these specimens are all NATO proxies.

The US government barks non-stop about “territorial sovereignty.” So let’s game the Kremlin asking the White House for a road map on getting out of Syria: after all the Americans are illegally occupying a section of Syrian territory and adding extra disaster to the Syrian economy by stealing their oil.

NATO’s stultifying leader, Jens Stoltenberg, has announced the alliance is dusting off its “defense plans.” That may include little more than hiding behind their expensive Brussels desks. They are as inconsequential in the Black Sea as in the East Med – as the US remains quite vulnerable in Syria.

There are now four Russian TU-22M3 strategic bombers in Russia’s Hmeimim base in Syria, each capable of carrying three S-32 anti-ship missiles that fly at supersonic Mach 4.3 with a range of 1,000 km. No Aegis system is able to handle them.

Russia also has stationed a few Mig-31Ks in Syria’s coastal region in Latakia equipped with hypersonic Khinzals – more than enough to sink any kind of US surface group, including aircraft carriers, in the East Med. The US has no air defense mechanism whatsoever with even a minimal chance of intercepting them.

So the rules have changed. Drastically. The Hegemon is naked. The new deal starts with turning the post-Cold War set-up in Eastern Europe completely upside down. The East Med will be next. The Bear is back, hear him roar.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Henry David Thoreau


Si l’injustice fait partie des vexations nécessaires au gouvernement, laissez faire ; espérons que cela s’arrangera, que la machine se lassera.

Si l’injustice a un ressort, une poulie, une corde, une manivelle, réservés à son seul usage, on peut se demander si le remède ne sera pas pire que le mal.

Mais si cela demande que vous soyez l’agent de l’injustice envers quelqu’un, alors enfreignez la loi. Faites de votre vie le bâton dans les roues qui arrêtera la machine. Je dois faire en sorte de ne pas prêter la main à faire le mal que je condamne.

Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Kleine Gedanken zur Welt


In seinem Roman "1984" stellte sich Orwell einen totalitären Staat vor, der sich durch Gewalt, Überwachung, Sprachmanipulation und Kontrolle der Medien durchsetzt.

Huxley hatte in seiner "Besten aller Welten" die Vision, dass der Totalitarismus, zu dem der Kapitalismus in seiner ultimativen Version fatalerweise führen würde, ein Totalitarismus sein würde, in dem die Sklaven, trunken vom Konsum und vollgestopft mit Unterhaltung, "die Liebe zu ihrer Knechtschaft" haben würden.

Heute sehen wir, dass die Realität, die sich allmählich durchsetzt, genau dazwischen liegt: Überwachung, Neusprech und Medienkontrolle für alle; "Liebe zur Knechtschaft" für diejenigen, die das System richtig formatiert hat, und, wenn es die Situation erfordert (und sie wird es immer mehr erfordern, je unmöglicher es wird, die Wünsche der Massen zu erfüllen), Gewalt und Unterdrückung für diejenigen, die sich widersetzen.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Pressekonferenz in Zeiten der Woke-Progressive Ideologie


7. Februar 2022 (11:45 Uhr) -

Auf der vor einigen Tagen stattfindende Pressekonferenz des Sprechers des US-Außenministeriums für akkreditierte (US-)Journalisten ereignete sich ein kleiner, verbaler, Zwischenfall der für Aufsehen sorgte:
Der Höhepunkt dieser Pressekonferenz war das Wort-Duell zwischen [dem Sprecher des Außenministeriums] Ned Price und dem AP-Journalisten Matt Lee, der die X-ten "kürzlich freigegebenen Beweise" für die X-te Vorbereitung der X-ten "false flag" Operation sehen wollte, die von den Russen in der Ukraine vorbereitet wird, um dort die X-te "Invasion" zu starten...

Man muss erkennen, dass diese Sequenz, die von geringer ereignisbezogener Bedeutung ist, spektakulär und auffällig war. Dafür zeigte sie sehr gut wie die westlichen Regierungen kommunizieren (oder auch nicht). Sie ist, als symbolischer Stereotyp der Kommunikationsbeziehungen und des Psychologischen Zustands der US-amerikanischen (und des Westlichen Blocks) „progressiven Führungseliten“ zu bewerten.

Diese Sequenz wurde übrigens in verschiedenen Publikationen ausführlich bewertet und kommentiert, vor allem aber als ein Fall, in dem ein Beamter von einem Journalisten auf den Grill gelegt wird ('to grill', 'gegrillt' im US-Slang):
"AP's Matt Lee Grills State Dept.
Spox on Russia/Ukraine: An Accusation Is Not Evidence, "I Remember WMDs In Iraq"").  ['Real Clair Politics'].

Ich für meinen Teil möchte noch einen Schritt weiter gehen.

Zunächst ein paar Worte zu Matt Lee:
Gebürtig aus Buffalo, New York, machte er 1989 seinen Abschluss an der School of Foreign Service der Georgetown University und begann seine journalistische Laufbahn als Redaktionsassistent/Kopierjunge bei der Washington Post und als Reporter für Lokalpolitik bei der Daily Progress in Charlottesville, USA.
2019 war er Preisträger des Arthur Ross Media Award in der Kategorie Berichterstattung. Er ist der diplomatische Redakteur von The Associated Press und berichtet seit 1999 über das Geschehen im Außenministerium und der US-Außenpolitik.
Seit Madeleine Albright hat er jeden Außenminister auf seinen Reisen begleitet und aus mehr als 120 Ländern, über die sich entwickelnden internationalen Interessen und Prioritäten Amerikas berichtet. Lee kam 2007 zur AP, nachdem er 12 Jahre lang für die französische Nachrichtenagentur AFP gearbeitet hatte, wo er über das Außenministerium berichtete und als stellvertretender Büroleiter für Ostafrika in Kenia sowie als Büroleiter in Phnom Penh (Kambodscha) tätig war.

Die Methode des "Grillen" von Sprechern (bei Pressekonferenzen) ist bei ihm nichts neues vielleicht sogar sein „Markenzeichen. Matt Lee ist klar Anhänger der alten Methoden des Journalismus. Das meint, das öffentliche Wort der Regierung in Frage zu stellen, systematisch zu ermitteln und zu verdächtigen, was in der durch “progressive Ideologie“ durchtränkte Welt fast unanständig, inakzeptabel und unpatriotisch geworden ist.
Nicht, dass Matt Lee ein Systemgegner oder Antiamerikanist wäre, aber er gehört im Geiste der Sache zu einer "alten Garde" (im Gegensatz zu den meisten „moderne“, angepasste „Journalisten“ welche sehr oft und zu Recht als im Dienst der „Lügenpresse“ beschimpft werden), die über eine große Technik des Journalismus verfügte, die eben auf Prinzipien beruhten, anstatt nur nach als Sprachrohr (oder verlängerter Arm) der Regierungspropaganda zu sein.

So stellt er fest, dass Price, der Sprecher sagt: "Wir haben freigegebene Informationen, die belegen, dass die Russen eine False-Flag-Operation vorbereiten, um sie als Argument für eine mögliche Invasion der Ukraine zu nutzen".

Lee greift diesen Punkt daraufhin wieder auf: "Was sind das für Beweise?".

Price antwortet: "Das sind diese freigegebenen Informationen" ;

Lee erwidert: "Aber geben Sie uns Beweise!" ;

Price beharrt: "Ich habe sie Ihnen gegeben: Es sind diese deklassifizierten Informationen".

Lee: "Welche Informationen?"

Price: "Wir können sie nicht offenlegen, wir müssen die Quellen und die Methodik schützen" ;

Lee: "Also haben wir Journalisten keine Beweise?"

Price: "Doch, die freigegebenen Informationen!".

Und so weiter, alles dreht sich in einer Endlosschleife.

Am Ende weist Price Lee darauf hin, dass er an den Behauptungen der US-Regierung zweifelt, die seiner Meinung nach (Price) "Beweise" darstellen; und dass dies bedeute, dass er in der Folge ziemlich umworben die Informationen der russischen Regierung akzeptiere, dass man also nicht weit vom Verrat entfernt, sei...

Lee bemerkt dann: "Aber Ned, Sie haben doch gar keine Informationen gegeben."

Antwort Price: "Wenn Sie daran zweifeln... Wenn Sie an der Glaubwürdigkeit der US-Regierung, der britischen Regierung, anderer Regierungen zweifeln und Trost in den Informationen finden wollen, die die Russen verbreiten...".

Frage Lee: "Ein Trost?"

Antwort Price: " Das müssen Sie selbst entscheiden."

Frage Lee: "Ich will nicht ... Ich frage nicht, was die russische Regierung veröffentlicht. Und was wollen Sie ... was soll das andeuten?"

Daraufhin bricht Price die Konfrontation ab, wechselt zu einem anderen Journalisten ("Shaun"), aber man bleibt trotzdem beim gleichen Thema.


Der Wortwechsel im Original:
QUESTION: Thanks. Okay, well, that’s quite a mouthful there. So you said “actions such as these suggest otherwise” – suggest meaning that they suggest they’re not interested in talks and they’re going to go ahead with some kind of a – what action are you talking about?

MR PRICE: One, the actions I have just pointed to, the fact –

QUESTION: What action? What —

MR PRICE: The fact that Russia continues to engage in disinformation campaigns.

QUESTION: Well no, you’ve made an allegation that they might do that. Have they actually done it?

MR PRICE: What we know, Matt, is what we – what I have just said, that they have engaged in this activity, in this planning activity —

QUESTION: Well, engage in what – hold on a second. What activity?

MR PRICE: But let me – let me – because obviously this is not – this is not the first time we’ve made these reports public. You’ll remember that just a few weeks ago –

QUESTION: I’m sorry, made what report public?

MR PRICE: If you let me finish, I will tell you what report we made public.


MR PRICE: We told you a few weeks ago that we have information indicating Russia also has already pre-positioned a group of operatives to conduct a false flag operation in eastern Ukraine. So that, Matt, to your question, is an action that Russia has already taken.

QUESTION: No, it’s an action that you say that they have taken, but you have shown no evidence to confirm that. And I’m going to get to the next question here, which is: What is the evidence that they – I mean, this is – like, crisis actors? Really? This is like Alex Jones territory you’re getting into now. What evidence do you have to support the idea that there is some propaganda film in the making?

MR PRICE: Matt, this is derived from information known to the U.S. Government, intelligence information that we have declassified. I think you know —

QUESTION: Okay, well, where is it? Where is this information?

MR PRICE: It is intelligence information that we have declassified.

QUESTION: Well, where is it? Where is the declassified information?

MR PRICE: I just delivered it.

QUESTION: No, you made a series of allegations and statements —

MR PRICE: Would you like us to print out the topper? Because you will see a transcript of this briefing that you can print out for yourself.

QUESTION: But that’s not evidence, Ned. That’s you saying it. That’s not evidence. I’m sorry.

MR PRICE: What would you like, Matt?

QUESTION: I would like to see some proof that you – that you can show that —

MR PRICE: Matt, you have been —

QUESTION: — that shows that the Russians are doing this.


QUESTION: Ned, I’ve been doing this for a long time, as you know.

MR PRICE: I know. That was my point. You have been doing this for quite a while.


MR PRICE: You know that when we declassify intelligence, we do so in a means —

QUESTION: That’s right. And I remember WMDs in Iraq, and I —

MR PRICE: — we do so with an eye to protecting sources and methods.

QUESTION: And I remember that Kabul was not going to fall. I remember a lot of things. So where is the declassified information other than you coming out here and saying it?

MR PRICE: Matt, I’m sorry you don’t like the format, but we have —

QUESTION: It’s not the format. It’s the content.

MR PRICE: I’m sorry you don’t like the content. I’m sorry you —

QUESTION: It’s not that I don’t like it or —

MR PRICE: I’m sorry you are doubting the information that is in the possession of the U.S. Government.


MR PRICE: What I’m telling you is that this is information that’s available to us. We are making it available to you in order – for a couple reasons. One is to attempt to deter the Russians from going ahead with this activity. Two, in the event we’re not able to do that, in the event the Russians do go ahead with this, to make it clear as day, to lay bare the fact that this has always been an attempt on the part of the Russian Federation to fabricate a pretext.

QUESTION: Yes, but you don’t have any evidence to back it up other than what you’re saying. It’s like you’re saying, “We think – we have information the Russians may do this,” but you won’t tell us what the information is. And then when you’re asked —

MR PRICE: Well, that is the idea behind deterrence, Matt. That is the idea behind deterrence.

QUESTION: When you’re asked – and when you’re asked —

MR PRICE: It is our hope that the Russians don’t go forward with this.

QUESTION: And when you’re asked what the information is, you say, “I just gave it to you.” But that’s not what —

MR PRICE: You seem not to understand —

QUESTION: That’s not the way it works.

MR PRICE: You seem not to understand the idea of deterrence.

QUESTION: No, no, no, Ned. You don’t – you seem not to understand the idea of —

MR PRICE: We are trying to deter the Russians from moving forward with this type of activity. That is why we are making it public today. If the Russians don’t go forward with this, that is not ipso facto an indication that they never had plans to do so.

QUESTION: But then it’s unprovable. I mean, my God, what is the evidence that you have that suggests that the Russians are even planning this?

MR PRICE: Matt, you —

QUESTION: I mean, I’m not saying that they’re not. But you just come out and say this and expect us just to believe it without you showing a shred of evidence that it’s actually true – other than when I ask or when anyone else asks what’s the information, you said, well, I just gave it to you, which was just you making a statement.

MR PRICE: Matt, you said yourself you’ve been in this business for quite a long time. You know that when we make information – intelligence information public we do so in a way that protects sensitive sources and methods. You also know that we do so – we declassify information – only when we’re confident in that information.

QUESTION: But Ned, you haven’t given any information.

MR PRICE: If you doubt – if you doubt the credibility of the U.S. Government, of the British Government, of other governments, and want to find solace in information that the Russians are putting out —


MR PRICE: — that is for you to do.

QUESTION: I don’t want – I’m not asking what the Russian Government is putting out. And what do you – what is that supposed to mean?

MR PRICE: Shaun.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Neue Runde im "Great Game"

 Während ein Großteil der westlichen Medien (USA & Europa) W. Putin nur als autoritär (das Regime ist tatsächlich autoritär) und reaktionär, als einen Rückschritt, sehen, als den Boogeyman der um jeden Preis bekämpft, niedergerungen werden muss (USA & NATO sind bereit bis zu letzten Ukrainer zu kämpfen), ist es eher so dass W. Putin die Zeichen der Zeit längst erkannt hat und die Zukunft vielleicht klarer sieht als die Westler, die Großteils noch immer im Paradigma des Kalten Krieges gefangen sind. Die Zukunft wir Multipolar sein, und genau dies ist der Punkt, welcher den USA und der EU ein Dorn im Auge ist (macht es ihnen doch ein Strich durch die Rechnung, wegen Weltweite Hegemonie und so...)